本文共 5489 字,大约阅读时间需要 18 分钟。
优点:高可用性,扩展性好,出现故障自动切换,对于主主同步,在同一时间只提供一台数据库写操作,保证的数据的一致性。 缺点:Monitor节点是单点,可以结合Keepalived实现高可用,对主机的数量有要求,需要实现读写分离,对程序来说是个挑战。
需要在所有server上都安装mysql-mmm wget http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/i386/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm rpm -Uvh epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm yum install -y mysql-mmm*
现在环境已经配置好,我没有忽略 mysql 库和 user 表,所以只要在任意一台主库上执行下面的操作,其他库就都有这俩账号了。 这里我在master1上进行的操作 mysql> grant replication client on *.* to 'mmm_monitor'@'192.168.0.%' identified by 'oldboy123'; mysql> grant super, replication client, process on *.* to 'mmm_agent'@'192.168.0.%' identified by 'oldboy123';
active_master_role writercluster_interface eth0 pid_path /var/run/mysql-mmm/mmm_agentd.pid bin_path /usr/libexec/mysql-mmm/ replication_user rep #同步用户 replication_password oldboy123 #同步密码 agent_user mmm_agent # mmm_agent用户 agent_password oldboy123 # mmm_agent用户的密码 ip # db1 master-1的物理ip mode master peer db2 ip # db2 master-2的物理ip mode master peer db1 ip # db3 slave的物理ip mode slave hosts db1, db2 ips #写入的虚拟IP地址 VIP mode exclusive hosts db1, db2, db3 ips,, #虚拟读取IP地址 mode balanced
vi /etc/mysql-mmm/mmm_agent.conf include mmm_common.conf The 'this' variable refers to this server. Proper operation requires that 'this' server (db1 by default), as well as all other servers, have the proper IP addresses set in mmm_common.conf. this db1 #分别修改为本机的主机名,即db1、db2、db3和db4
[root@mysql-mmm-monitor tools]# cat /etc/mysql-mmm/mmm_mon.conf include mmm_common.confip pid_path /var/run/mysql-mmm/mmm_mond.pid bin_path /usr/libexec/mysql-mmm status_path /var/lib/mysql-mmm/mmm_mond.status ping_ips,, #监控的IP auto_set_online 30 #切换浮动IP的时间(默认为60秒) # The kill_host_bin does not exist by default, though the monitor will # throw a warning about it missing. See the section 5.10 "Kill Host # Functionality" in the PDF documentation. # # kill_host_bin /usr/libexec/mysql-mmm/monitor/kill_host # monitor_user mmm_monitor #mmm_monitor 用户 monitor_password oldboy123 #mmm_monitor 密码 debug 0
所有数据库主机启动mmm-agent: /etc/init.d/mysql-mmm-agent start* LISTEN 2407/mmm_agentd
/etc/init.d/mysql-mmm-monitor start
mmm_control命令监控mysql服务器状态 [root@mysql-mmm-monitor ~]# mmm_control show db1( master/ONLINE. Roles: reader(, writer( db2( master/ONLINE. Roles: reader( db3( slave/ONLINE. Roles: reader( 测试两个mysql服务器能否实现故障自动切换 将db1的mysql服务停止 [root@mysql-mmm-master1 tools]# /etc/init.d/mysqld stop Shutting down MySQL... SUCCESS! 等待30秒在mysql-mmm-monitor服务器上进行监控查看 [root@mysql-mmm-monitor ~]# mmm_control show db1( master/HARD_OFFLINE. Roles: db2( master/ONLINE. Roles: reader(, writer( db3( slave/ONLINE. Roles: reader(, reader( slave检查master_host是否切换到了另一个主库地址: [root@mysql-mmm-slave ~]# mysql -e "show slave status\G"|egrep "Master_Host:" Master_Host: 恢复master-1(db1) [root@mysql-mmm-master1 tools]# /etc/init.d/mysqld start Starting MySQL... SUCCESS! monitor端检查恢复情况 [root@mysql-mmm-monitor ~]# mmm_control show db1( master/ONLINE. Roles: reader( db2( master/ONLINE. Roles: reader(, writer( db3( slave/ONLINE. Roles: reader( 我们可以看到当db1恢复后就充当slave的角色了!只有当db2挂了以后db1又会担当起主服务器的写入功能。
valid commands are: help - show this message #查看帮助信息 ping - ping monitor #ping监控 show - show status #查看状态信息 checks [|all [ |all]] - show checks status #显示检查状态,包括(ping、mysql、rep_threads、rep_backlog) set_online - set host online #设置某host为online状态 set_offline - set host offline #设置某host为offline状态 mode - print current mode. #打印当前的模式,是ACTIVE、MANUAL、PASSIVE? #默认ACTIVE模式 set_active - switch into active mode. #更改为active模式 set_manual - switch into manual mode. #更改为manual模式 set_passive - switch into passive mode. #更改为passive模式 move_role [--force] - move exclusive role to host #更改host的模式,比如更改处于slave的mysql数据库角色为write (Only use --force if you know what you are doing!) set_ip - set role with ip to host #为host设置ip,只有passive模式的时候才允许更改!